Droit de l’arbitrage
Particularly in a context marked for many years by a massive disinvestment in the justice sector, recourse to an arbitration procedure is still too often, unfortunately, an unknown alternative for litigants
Coupled, where appropriate, with mediation, an arbitration procedure offers undeniable and almost unsuspected advantages compared to a classic state judicial procedure: flexibility, speed, greater control by the parties over certain aspects of the procedure (choice of language, choice of applicable rules, etc.), better predictability of fees and costs, etc. The firm assists its clients in arbitration proceedings, in Belgium and abroad.

Our services:
- Assistance and advice for the drafting or adaptation of an arbitration clause;
- Examen de l’’arbitrabilité’ (caractère arbitrable) du litige;
- Representation of our clients as counsel or intervention as arbitrator in Belgian or international arbitration proceedings;
- Annulment of arbitral awards;
- Investment treaties (bilateral investment treaties)

Our experience
- Litigious or non-litigious support for any Belgian or international arbitral dispute.