Corporate and Insolvency Law
Companies, associations and foundations have to deal every day with legal issues concerning their incorporation, governance, restructuring and solvency.
Notre pratique «droit des sociétés et de l’insolvabilité» offre aux propriétaires, dirigeants, départements juridiques et financiers ainsi qu’à tous tiers intéressés l’accompagnement juridique adéquat pour des opérations défusion-acquisition et scission, des transferts d’activité, la résolution de litiges entre actionnaires, la restructuration d’une entreprise, la réorganisation judiciaire, la faillite ainsi que la liquidation volontaire ou judiciaire. Multilingue et multidisciplinaire, notre équipe d’avocats s’appuie au besoin sur nos pratiques de droit du travail, de droit immobilier, de droit fiscal ou de droit de la concurrence.

Our services:
- Due diligence for M&A operations
- Drafting and negotiation of share deal or asset deal contracts
- Drafting and negotiation of contracts covering relationships between investors (shareholder agreements, buy or sale options)
- Preparation of share capital increase or reduction, shareholdership restructuring or management buy-out
- Corporate housekeeping
- Advice and drafting support for the adoption or amendments of articles of association, internal regulations, codes of conduct and creation of joint-ventures
- Preparation, planning and implementation of restructuring plans
- Preparation and representation during judicial reorganisation, bankruptcy or liquidation procedures
- Legal support alongside crisis managers (negotiation of contracts, debt restructuring, other measures to safeguard the undertaking)

Our experience
- Representation of sellers, buyers or candidate buyers in the context of M&A operations of both listed and non-listed companies
- Frequent advice to family-owned SMEs for their operations of transfer to the next generation or third parties
- Advisor to international consortia for the incorporation of joint entities
- Frequent appointment as bankruptcy trustee or judicial liquidator